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Health Resources - middle level +

Health knowledge base to develop health literacy

Activities for teaching & learning how to be healthy

Teaching activities & units for health literacy:

  1. My favorite things - Two page interest survey (printable .pdf)
  2. Introduction - What is health, health categories, affects on health, risks, & promoting wellness lesson plans, activity lab notes, fact sheets, & word bank
  3. Decision making - lesson plan, activity lab notes, fact sheets, & word bank.
  4. Mental & emotional health - Activity Lab notes (Work sheets, word bank & key ideas).
    Content includes: Two week goal setting activity, What is your characters of mental health activity, Who am I activity to create a personal shield or coat of arms to describe you, Affects on health, risks and promoting health and wellness, CrossWord puzzle for mental and emotional health vocabulary, Create a plan for a healthy mental and emotional life activity. Support Procedures to recognize and manage feelings & emotions: fear, guilt, anger, stress. Stressors for Teens, Stress, Chronic stress, Ways to Manage and Reduce stress, Stress & Immunity, Stress & Exercise, Caffeine & hormones, Coping with loss & grief, Five Stages of grief, Dealing with Anxiety & Depression, Suicide Prevention, & Getting Help
  5. Social health relationships - Activity Lab notes (Worksheets, word bank and key ideas).
    Content includes: Healthy social relationships Respecting yourself & others, Communicating Family relationships, Peer relationships, & Suggestion for managing jealousy & envy, & Assertive behavior
  6. Nutrition and physical health - lesson plans, lab notes, and fact sheets.
    Content includes: What influences affect a person's diet choices?, Nutritional and diet goals for good health, Nutrients and health, What do I know about vitamins? Vitamin in a day, History of vitamins, Lab summary, Goals & plan for physical health, and Reviews:
    See also Nutrients functions and sources, and food investigations: calcium & bone investigation, starch investigation, milk investigation of proteins casein and whey, protein testing, mineral tests, fat tests, eggs and protein investigation, acid in food investigation, sugar in food investigation, energy in food, calorimeter
  7. Decision making - lesson plan, activity lab notes, fact sheets, & word bank.
  8. Human anatomy: systems & organs for health & wellness
    Content includes:
    Unit plan with - activities, lesson plans, concepts, outcomes, lab notes, data sheets, worksheets, & word bank
    Supporting resources:
  9. Medicine and drug use: Activities with lab notes (worksheets, word bank & key ideas).
    Content includes: Brainstorm and focus prior knowledge about drugs, Medicines and drug classification, Are medicines and drugs dangerous? Drug and Medicine Investigations: Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug culture and media influences on medicine and drug use, Decision making scenarios and case studies related to medicine and drug use, The Affects of Influence and Social Skills on Decision Making Related to Medicine and Drug Use, Medicine and drug review, vaccination fact sheet with the history of different diseases and their vaccination development, factors that effect vaccination use and vaccination routes.
  10. Environmental health - activities with lab notes (worksheets, word bank & key ideas).
    Content includes: Brainstorm prior knowledge of nature, create an environmental model with (environmental factors, organism in the environment, & environmental interactions to maintain a balanced ecosystem of nature, humans, needs for human survival and environmental variables), environmental health disasters activity, historical decisions with positive & negative environmental impacts, making healthy environmental decisions today, influences on environmental decisions, decision making for personal and environmental health, implementation of environmental decisions, and sustainability.
  11. Role plays for simulation of Dr. & interns

Additional Resources in alphabetical order


  • University of Notre Dame student health - Your body & alcohol, blood alcohol concentration, absorption rate factors, drink equivalencies, what is intoxication, alcohol poisoning, secondhand effects, how to help your friends, & alcohol & energy drinks
  • Presidents of the United States: An Examination of Alcohol Consumption
  • Common Sense Media site page It's tougher than ever to limit kids' & adolescents exposure to alcohol, drugs, smoking and vapping in the media. This site includes advice, and videos to help you discover appropriate ideas, in five different age groups, with suggestions on how to influence them, and how to prevent kids from starting harmful habits. Specific informatin includes: interactive alcohol ads, smoking marketing, & vaping videos, and information on how popular shows glorify drug use.

Alzheimer disease

Body image - resources

  • 1st Dove evolution video - Original video of behind the scenes of image manipulation that spreads unattainable standards of beauty. (1:16)
  • Image sketches - explores how we perceive ourselves & other people perceive us. (3:00 mins)
  • Image sketches from mother's and daughter's perspectives. (2:58 mins)
  • Body image evoution timelapse video of photoshopping of a model's body. (1:11mins)
  • Salomon & Brown found 11-14 year old teens who posted more pictures on social media had a greater awarness of their appearance and a more negative perception of their body. The Selfie Generation. The Journal of Early Adolescence. 2018
  • Body language - TED talk.Your body language shapes who you are. by Amy Cuddy. Includes information on body language, nonverbal communication, & power poses. Amy describes examples supported by research for the effects of powerful and low power body language on the judgement & consequences of interactions with others and the health effects on the body: changes in testosterone & cortisol amounts. 2012, (21:02).


  • Job Monkey web site: search types of jobs to discover job descriptions, including education requirements, job responsibilities, salary information, benefits, training, and other related facts about thousands of jobs. Search medical, fitness, health, nutrition, yoga, message, and other categories to find careers for your future. Part-time jobs, full-time jobs, or jobs that let you travel. Discover wealth of information here.

Disabilities and Health

  • CDC Quests on Disabilities and Health: Discover how kids with disabilities get around? Did you know that downhill skiers with only one leg have been clocked at 74 mph? Explore this site to find out how physically a person with disabilities can be. Find links to ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, hearing loss, mobility impairment, tourette syndrmone (TS), vision impairment, athlete biographies, paralympic games, and more.

Drugs, alcohol, & cannabis

  • Common Sense Media site page It's tougher than ever to limit kids' & adolescents exposure to alcohol, drugs, smoking and vapping in the media. This site includes advice, and videos to help you discover appropriate ideas, in five different age groups, with suggestions on how to influence them, and how to prevent kids from starting harmful habits. Specific informatin includes: interactive alcohol ads, smoking marketing, & vaping videos, and information on how popular shows glorify drug use.
  • Research on cannabis use & its effects on the developing brain
  • Flu Vaccine - How It Works and Why It’s a MUST Thing to Do

Nutrition & Physical Fitness resources

    • CDC site with: Information on disease: graphic novels, database, activities... Recipes for good nutrition; Physical activity set up your own fitness calendar, access activity cards for activities from ballet to yoga; Advice for safety, yourlife, and your body. You can even take a quiz that will help you find out which activities will best suit your personality.
    • Choose My Plate app - developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to improve nutrition and well-being of Americans. Learn food facts and ways to create a healthy diet. Has a super tracker to look up nutritional information, track your food, and physical activity. the Mix Eat Smart & Ex Replaces the Food Pyramid.
    • Circus Fit: Regiser for access to lesson plans with videos to set fitness goals, tips for warm-ups, exercises, and healthy eating. Then pick your action, props, and time in the Crazy Clown College Challenge and activity challenges for jump rope, juggling...
    • Edible School Yard Organization: The Edible Schoolyard Network connects educators around the world to build and share a K-12 edible education curriculum.
    • Orienteering organization combines map reading and decision making with a walk outdoors. Team events in the United States, Education link to find out how it's done and start a program or club at your school. See plans for teaching cartography and orienteering.
    • PBS Web site. Site isn't very organized. Need to search for different shows, includes: some clips (couldn't get them to stream, transcripts, tip sheets, and and where to order videos. Pricey. Maybe available through Local PBS, need to check it out. Great variety of diverse health issues beyond eating and exercise. Could be valuable source.
    • The President's Challenge, a program to encourage all Americans to make being active a part of their everyday lives. A .pdf file with information to motivate people to improve your health.superTracker Icon
    • Super Tracker web site to track what you eat.
    • The Virtual Sports Injury Clinic includes a comprehensive overview of common injuries. Click on the muscle area in the graphic or use the menu to find a description of symptoms. Then read the first-aid steps, view video clips, and find out when to see a medical provider or specialist for treatment
    • Sport psychology

Online, internet, web safety, & web literay information

  • HON code: According to quackwatch.org
    hon image"The Internet's most widely recognized standard-setting organization is the Geneva-based Health on the Net (HON) Foundation. Sites that follow its code of conduct are welcome to display a HONcode seal."
    " These principles are sound, but compliance is voluntary and some sites displaying the seal contain unreliable information or link to other sites that contain unreliable information."
    "To check whether a site is actually registered, click on the HONcode seal, which should be linked to a registration status report on the HON site."
  • Web literacy Mozilla - With the goal of bringing more equitable access to the internet for more people, we have worked with a diverse community of educators, practitioners, and technologists to identify core Web Literacy Skills and 21st Century Skills.
  • Web literacy safety first at Github
  • 16 Simple Tech Solutions


Vocabulary is a major component of learning and understanding, particularly about the body and health issues. The following resources can assist in vocabulary learning.

Glenco Health resources

Fat & muscle representation

Representation of fat and muscle





Not a single atom in your body was there when you were a child.


Oxygen in every other breath we breathe, comes from the ocean.



National Suicide Prevention suicide & crisis Lifeline - 988

crisis lifeline 988 image

or visit their Website.



In the news

Giving blood or being a fan? 2009 - Milwaukee, WI

Eighty year old Jim Becker's road to becoming the 12th member of the Green Bay Packers Fan Hall of Fame started in 1952. Married with 11 children he didn't feel his family could spare the money for Packer tickets. When he found a pint of blood sold for $15.00, he decided to give blood four times a year and use the money to buy tickets for all the home games.

In 1970 Jim was diagnosed with hemochromatosis - a blood disorder that results in a large amount of iron in the bloodstream. The treatment: is to frequently donate blood. Doctors told Jim his blood donations were a stroke of genius that probably saved his life. Jim's father died as a result of hemochromatosis when he was only 43 years old. Makes one wonder if going to the games or becoming healthy urged Jim to give blood. Maybe both.





Girling Up cover

Girling Up: How to be strong, smart, & spectacular
by Mayim Bialik, PhD.
Contents include:

Contents in Girling Up


Boying Up cover

Boying Up: How to be brave, bold, & brilliant
by Mayim Bialik, PhD.
Contents include:

Boying Up back cover