Understanding Humans as it relates to Educational Philosophy and other Views about Education
What is Human? How do we learn? How do we know?

Focus questions & responses

What makes us human?
Human life is different than animals - see also human animal comparison

Why do we teach and learn?

Curiosity is the motivation to learn. It stimulates thoughts and questions. It motivates us to wonder, search, discover, analyze, and reflect on ideas and decisions. All which are fundamental results of curiosity so we learn for or to...

How do I know what I know?

Critical thinking and logical reasoning based on observational evidence determines our quality of learning and depends on our creative depth of thought.

What limits our search for knowledge?

Our search for knowledge is restricted by

How do ethics fit with democracy?

Democracy requires a large majority of ethical citizens who will take a strong proactive stance to desire, support, and act to protect freedom for everyone, especially those who are different and have minority views different than ours. Citizens who will defend and provide real meaningful inclusion for all citizens with an equitable distribution of wealth and when necessary sacrifice. Where people can make ethical choices with out fear of bias, stereotype, or hate to freely express themselves without censorship and persue a happy, healthy, and meaningful life.

“The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves — in their separate, and individual capacities. In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to interfere.”      July 1, 1854    Abraham Lincoln

What do we need to know from educational theory?

Education is ideological (The insidious nature of ideology is its ability to make itself invisible.)
To educate we must know:

What are my beliefs about teaching?


Dr. Robert Sweetland's notes
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