Classification development as outcomes
scoring guides or rubrics
Early evidence of classification
- Child puts objects together and calls it a car, face, of other object.
- Child pairs similar objects together.
Pre school indergarten related evidence of classification
- Classify by one property, but not complete.
- Puts similar objects together based on one property.
- Writes sentences with one property each or chains them with the use of and.
- Classify by color
- Earliest to appearance of classfication by shape is around age 7
- Classify by alike and not alike with concrete examples.
- Classify by patterns, ABAB, ABCABC, ABBABB.
- Classify by size.
- Classify by one property, and can explain how the property relates to the whole object, how the whole object relates to its properties, and how the properties relate to the other properties.
- Classify by color as a property and explain that the blocks are different colors. Some are red, blue, and yellow. The colors are a property of the block, but they don't make the block a block. (lack reversibility)
Early grades
- Sort objects based on one property and easily put them into and out of multiple categories and back to the way they were originally.
Early intermediate level
- Classify with two or more discrete properties simultaneously (fourth grade). (e.g. small red square or large red square).
- Recognize class inclusion or subclasses contained by another class. (Black and red checkers belong in the class checkers.
- Propose or invent categories and can exclude irrelevant properties.
- Will write sentences like small, red, striped, square.
Early middle level
- Recognizes and uses class inclusion. All witches fly on brooms. Wilafred is a witch, therefore, she flies.
- Classifies objects by more than one property, then reclassifies them in numerous other ways.
- Recognizes that objects are classified by properties selected according to a particular task and recognizes that objects (e.g. platypus, whale) may appear to belong in another category than what appears obvious.
Late Middle level
- Recognizes a hierarchical classification.
- Classifies and reclassifies systems with a logical hierarchical inclusive relationship among all the objects or ideas while realizing all is changeable.