Year Planning Document
- Outline Suggestions or
Table of Contents
Subject, Context, Theme, or Focus Question
Time frame
Overview General information for organization of the plan. Information to orient the users to the beliefs, philosophies, rationale, mission statements, action plans, principled procedures, selected big ideas, goals, outcomes, developmental information, pedagogical designs, methodologies, strategies, assessments, major resources and rational that explains why the selections were made to benefit the students:
- Philosophy statements
- Big ideas, goals, aims, focus questions, over all objectives
- Unpacked information of what students will learn: focus questions, concepts, facts, skills, relationships, and generalizations
- Prior knowledge required for student success. Understandings and skill necessary for students to participate in this yearly plan.
- Developmental ideas related to the topic: starting with any perceptual understandings, misconceptions, naive understandings that students might have and progessing to success with the planned outcomes.
- Background information for teaching
- Sequenced list of activities and brief description to link or thread each to expected outcomes
- Assessment outcomes and scoring levels for what the students will know and do to infer their understanding and skill of the facts, concepts, skills, generalizations, and answers to the focus questions
- References choices
- Organized list or matrices of intended learnings - big ideas, goals, standards, unpacted to: concepts, relationships, generalizations, and skills
- Organized list or matrices of targeted outcomes that will be used to infer students' understanding of the intended learnings
- Intended learnings threaded to opportunities to learn threaded to outcome levels to infer the depth of student understandings
- Timeline for facilitating the intended learnings that suggests the amount of time for each and a sequence for facilitating each
- Learning Activities / Lesson Plans and information that will be used as opportunities for students to learn. Each activity should be selected according to the possibility of involving students in a hands-on and minds-on activity that will enable them to observe and manipulate materials to construct the understandings of the subject or context as well as learn the processes and practice of of inquiry for the subject or context used to create its related knowledge so they might better understand the nature of the subject or context and its perspectives.
- Information related to the opportunities to learn. Any learning sequence outline or framework can be inserted here.
- Actvitiy description
- Intended learnings and how they relate to the inteded learnings and outcomes
- Supporting information
- Materials
- Instructional Procedure
- Assessment ideas
- Any other information desired
- References for the teachers and students
Appendix for additional information
- Student Learning Logs
- Work sheets - practice, enrichment...
- Additional references for teachers, special students, related topics...