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Videos of learners doing math

Video Clips catalog

Recognize every learner is different and there many ways to use math to interpret our world. Some logical others not, but each of us must discover which is which by ourselves.

Teach wisely.

R. D. Sweetland


Watch the videos, analyze what each learner does, and answer the following questions:

  1. What did the learner do?
  2. What can be inferred about what the learner knows because of what they did?
  3. Where in a sequence of learning might the learner's understanding fall? What evidence can you give to support that placement?
  4. What activities, would you suggest, could be used to build on their understanding and move toward mathematical literacy?

Getting Ready: Classification, Number sense, & Counting

Videos set: Counting, conservation, & cardinality

Video Preschool counting - How many starfish on the page?
- counting, number value, place value

Videos Class meeting - How many milks needed for the class? Keeshan and classmate replies.
- counting, number value, place value

Videos counting candies - How many candies in the can? Girl in grey shirt & girl in pink shirt. Three clips each.
Concepts - counting, number value, place value

Summary sheet

Place value and number value 10-100

Group 2. Cena- place value, estimation, number value - circles and stars - Classroom procedural 49, Interview write number 18, represent with tiles, group tiles into tens and ones (24), 24 how get to 16[18], what does the 18 mean? represent 13 tiles with written numerals and what does the written numeral 13 represent in tiles?

Group 3. Brandon - place value, estimation, number value - how many beans would fit in the cup?

Group 4. Catrina - place value, estimation, number value - how do the tiles represent 16 and 21? how do the numerals on paper represent 16?

Group 1. Jonathan - place value, estimation, number value - circles and stars in class procedural count by tens..., interview tiles estimate tens, represent 24 with tiles and written numeral, represent 16 with tiles and written numeral, eyes, represent 21 written numeral imagine represent with tiles. again eyes.

Group all. Rudy - place value, estimation, number value - skip count, represent 24 with numerals, tiles, 16, (24-8=16), 27, beans estimate half jar, count - suppose counted by tens what would get?

Summary sheet

Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers

Counting dots on dice - addition?

Transition - adding two numbers less than 100 - number value, place value, and addition -

Mental addition and subtraction of two numbers less than 100.

Constance Kamii explaining student's invented solutions for addition and subtraction using deconstruction and construction of numbers.

Summary sheet

Addition and Subtraction Whole Number Algorithms

Algorithm samples - (clip 1) two digit subtraction using a traditional algorithm. (clip 2) two digit subtraction using a traditional algorithm, manipulatives, and 100 chart. (clip 3) three digit addition student invented algorithm and base ten blocks.

Summary sheet

Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers

Additional mutiplication and division samples - (clip 1) Dozens of eggs you say? (clip 2) How many cards in a packet? (clip 3) When is multiplication multiplication and not repeated addition?

Summary sheet

Multiplication and Division Algorithms

Newly added - Constance Kamii explaining student's invented solutions for division with deconstruction and construction of division problems using addition.

Summary sheet

Representation of Rational Numbers & Adding & Subtracting them

clips 1 - 3 fractional parts of a candy bar (first 3 clips)

Clip - improper fractions, procedural Vs. conceptual, great facilitation and student empowerment.

Summary sheet

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers

Clips with decimal values fractions interview

Summary sheet

Geometry Ideas

This clip, which creates a problem involving fractions - what part of a larger cube is a smaller cube? However, cnocepts related to geometry volume, area, visual spatial; as well as fractional parts, problem solving, reasoning, multiples are needed to be successful.

Summary sheet


Group. Tiles - estimation, place value, number value, problem solving - Notice the 99 chart on the wall!

Three videos with students estimating tiles:
(clip 1) Cheeto counts 16 tiles,
(clip 2) class how many tiles in this cup? If it is half full and it holds 99 tiles when it is full, how many?
(clip 3&4) How many tiles in cup? How many piles of ten? (99, 8, 9...)

Video Brandon estimating beans

Summary sheet

Collect, Represent, Interpret and Predict (Analyzing Data and Using Probability)

clip 1 - circles and stars chart discussion - data analysis, multiples, probability, problem solving, reasoning, estimation - graph of number of stars possible in the game circles and stars. Concerns about the data?

Summary sheet

Algebra videos

Odd plus Odd - proof - student demonstrates at the board with drawings to represent how it works for ALL odd numbers. View concrete, iconic or picture, formal operational infinite proof.

Equations - equality - whole number addition - sequences

Equations - equality and multiplication - sequences


