Number Value Recognized with Visual Patterns

Show students dot plates of one color 1-10

Students recognize the following patterns of dots.



Show students dot plates of two colors 2+1, 3+1, 4+1, 4+2, 4+3, 5+1, 5+2, 5+3, 5+4, 5+5, 6+1, 6+2, 6+3, 7+1, 8+1, 9+1

Students used patterns of




Show students a collection of 8 OBJECTS this time arrange them in a pattern. Such as five and three like the dots on a die. Ask students how many OBJECTS there are.

Count by Ones: Touching and moving, Pointing, or Mentally pointing Use pattern to count Pattern of eight Pattern of ______ and count on Pattern of ______ and ________ and add




Show students a dot pattern of six. Give them a collection of at least 12 OBJECTS and set a plate beside the dot pattern. Ask the student to put as many OBJECTS on the plate as there are dots on the card.
Has no strategy to proceed. Counts objects on dot card and counts out same number of objects onto the plate. Recognizes pattern of six and counts out same number of objects onto the plate. Recognizes pattern smaller than six, counts on, and counts out same number onto plate.
Give students two sets of dot cards 1-9 and ask the student to match the cards.
Student matches by counting dots. Student randomly selects cards. Student glances at card and finds a match. Students matched dots of ______ and counted dots of _______Other
 Assessment for Number Value (More, Less, and Same))
Use dot cards (1-10). Divide the cards into two piles. Have the student and teacher turn a card over. Ask the student who has more or less. Repeat for cards of value from 10-20.
Counts each card and inconsistently identifies more, less, and same for dot card pairs of values less than ____
Counts each card and correctly identifies more, less, and same for dot card pairs of values less than ___
Uses pattern to correctly identifies more, less, and same for most dot card pairs of values less than ____
Give students a ten frames plus cards or a complete ten frame and partial ten frame (10-20) and ask them to sequence them from least to most.
Student counts most cards and has inaccuracies. Student counts some, uses visual pattern for some, and sequences cards. Student mostly uses visual pattern and sequences cards quickly and accurately.
 Assessment for Number Value (Inclusiveness)
Place five OBJECTS in a cup. Ask the student if they could use the OBJECTS in the cup to show someone what four OBJECTS would look like. Ask the student what other numbers they could show a person using the OBJECTS and the cup. Dump the objects out and place the empty cup in front of the student.
Four objects looks like Showed Five, Three, Two, One, Zero
Knows that a number of objects can make a set of objects from zero to and including the number of objects.
Put nine OBJECTS on the table. Arrange five into a pattern that the students would recognize as five. If the student does not recognize a pattern of five have the student count out five and set them aside. Cover the five OBJECTS with your hand or a bowl and ask the student how many objects there are all together.
Can’t do the task Moves hand or bowl and counts by ones Counts on to nine Adds five and four
Uses counting on strategy
Put eight OBJECTS on the table. Ask the student how many objects there are on the table. Cover five OBJECTS with your hand or a bowl and ask the student how many objects you have under your hand or bowl.
Can’t do the task Moves hand or bowl and counts by ones Counts back from eight to five Subtracts three from eight
Uses counting back strategy
Pick up a number of OBJECTS, with out the students seeing how many. Hide them in your hand. Put four or five on a plate. Tell the student that there are NUMBER of OBJECTS in your hand. Ask how many are there in your hand and on the plate
Student can count on for
Uses counting on strategy

Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©