Percent instructional ideas, sample activities, and assessment

This page includes information on tasks to facilitate the development of percent: percent related to fractional and decimal equivalents and how they are represented in media and life. This includes ideas for investigation and activities with supporting materials: percent circles, disks, paper folding, area models, measurement models, and number lines to represent values as percent, fractions, and decimals.

Related resources

Worksheet samples:

Equivalent percent, fractions, & decimals

It is really helpful for learners to be able to recognize equivalent fractions and decimals as hundredths and switch from one to another to understand and operate on percents.

Percentage strips, percentage wheels, and other representations can be used to represent equivalent fractional, decimal, and percentage values. Verify their answers by showing the equal the fractional number of fractional parts of in the circle.

Ask. Can you show equivalent fractions?

Give the learners a fraction strip, or other material to use to demonstrate a percentage and its fractional and decimal equivalents.

If they can't prompt them by showing them that the inside circle is 1/4, then ask them if that helps them know what the middle section and outer section is. Then ask what that has to do with equivalent fractions.

Sample activities


Activity sheets

Percentage strips:

What percentages can you represent with a strip?













Percentage strips:

















Percentage strips:

















Percentage circle

Represent percentages with the circle?


Circles to make fraction disks


Percentage Wheel

Fraction disk set up

Cut out each disk. Cut along the radius line. Slide each disk inside the other. Rotate the wheels to show different percentages of a circle.




Percentage chart

What percentages can you represent on the square?



Percentage and 1ooths (.01) charts



Percentage of polka-dots

What percentage of different colors are in this group?

Twelve polka-dots










What is one?


Dr. Robert Sweetland's notes
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