Fish Classification Activity

Name: student 12

Considering the four fish below, which one is most different?

Fish 1

Fish 2

Fish 3

Fish 4


Underline the most different below.

Fish 1


Fish 2


Fish 3


Fish 4


Explain your answer.

The bullhead is different from the crappy becuse it's dorsel fin (the dorsel fin is the fin on top) is not jagid but the crappy's is. The bullhead is more slender then the crappy. The bullhead has a line down it's side not spots. The bullhead also has wiskers and the crappy dose not.

The bullhead is different from the sunfish because the bullhead has a line down its side and the sunfish does not. The bullhead has not hump in it;s gull cover. The sunfish has a jagid dorsal fin and the dorsal fin on the bullhead is not.

The bullhead is different from the bluegull because the bluegull has a jagid dorsul fin with a dot on it the bullhead dose not. The bullhead has a line down it's side the bluegill doesn't. The bluegull has a dot on it;s gull cover the bulllhead doesn't.


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