Cartography / Maps investigation


How many (cities, people, towns, lakes, rivers, camping areas, parks, ranger stations, capitals, museums, schools, …)

How far (from x to y, by highway, by air, by river, between airports, across Lake…)

How wide is the state of ….

How long is … 

What does wide and long mean? Can there be more than one answer? Write a problem(s) that supports your reasoning.

Where do highways …. and   ……. intersect?

How many counties? largest? smallest? (area, population)

How many interstates in …

How many exits on interstate ……. What is the average between exits?

Choose a town at random, give directions on how to get there from here. Turn around and give directions in reverse. How are they different? How are they the same?

Plan a trip from a city that starts with the letter A to a city that starts with the letter B to … letter Z in a state. How far would the trip be?

If you traveled from …………. to ………………. what different distance would be likely.

Where could you travel on a tank of gas?

Class projects:

Make a graph of all the cities by their first letter.

Make a graph of cities according to the number of syllables they have.

Make a graph by how many cities in each county.

Which city has the most letters, vowels, consonants, …

Locate cities by coordinate pairs (15 K) use colored yarn to show (red, yellow)

Locate positions by angle and distance

Locate position s by latitude an longitude

Chart the lengths of the rivers

What is the cost to build a mile of interstate, other road… How much did interstate …………. cost, highway …….. cost?

What percent of each border is land? water? bordering state ……………  , state ………...

What is the higest elevation? lowest?

How many time zones? If you left at ………. and traveled to  …………. about what time would you arrive (not breaking any speed limits now).

Are there historical trails or points of interest. If the Mormons left Omaha on ………. and traveled ………… miles a day where would they be on ……………


Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©